
Schoenhut Fancy Baby Grand Piano Review

Schoenhut Fancy Baby Grand Piano
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I purchased this for my 6 year old granddaughter for Xmas who was frustrated trying to play 'music' with the kazoo-like thing she was given to use at school. My son was doubtful she would like it due to her bad experience to date with music. Within a few minutes after setting it up, she was playing Silent Night and other songs in the book that came with the piano. The key chart system provided allowed almost instant reward for her efforts to play recognizable tunes. My 8 year old granddaughter also enjoys playing it when she can get the little one away from it. This system is a great introduction into playing the piano, and, because key spacing is regular size, what it learned with it can be carried over to a keyboard or regular piano. I couldn't be happier, and my granddaughter is enjoying making music.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

they can be motivating in getting the student to practice and play more often...and that's the ultimate goal...making it fun and motivating. Sydney Pianos

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