
Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer Review

Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer
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Plugged-in it worked right out the package. Very cool to finally use a kybd with iphone app too.
I'd give it 5 stars.......but for one omission in the design - a big one imo.;
as I worked on file I wondered how the iphone battery was doing. The app I use is rather hard on power. That's when it occurred to me that there's no way to run this device except on battery power. It uses the same port. Never thought of that before.
One may think that an hour or so is plenty, but that aspect still needs to be noted here I think.
Not sure why line6 didn't add a usb port for power at bottom of device. Or power jack. Maybe they were concerned about hanging too much weight off the bottom of iphone/pad/pod? Whatever the reason, charge-up good before starting a bigger project. Or wait for the snythstation25 product. I believe that one has power at the docking jack. Apps will start appearing for it in the next couple months I've read.
Other than that, again, very cool.

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