
Deluxe Piano Tuning Kit w/ Book / Piano Tools,book& Cd Review

Deluxe Piano Tuning Kit w/ Book / Piano Tools,bookand Cd
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I received the tuning kit, and the parts all seem to be of decent quality, although I have not yet tried them out. The book is a joke. While I expected a "how to" step by step tutorial, I got whimsical, flowery-speak gibberish that sounded like it came straight out of Elizabethan England. Nothing I could ever force myself to read, let alone use to learn a new skill. The CD made me laugh out loud. First of all, I thought it was a DVD (my fault) then saw that it was audio only-so at least I expected to be "talked through" the steps. No, it is a series of pitches throughout all registers of the piano. I have absolute pitch, so that is not what I need. If you know of a book that tells, in plain English,(not the King's)how to turn the wrench and place the mutes accurately I'd be interested in hearing from you.

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