
Williams Symphony Console Digital Piano Review

Williams Symphony Console Digital Piano
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I purchased the Williams Symphany Console Digital Piano for my own playing as well as for teaching. I wanted something economical that had the look and feel of a real piano. While the instrument was fine for teaching beginning to intermediate students, I found it was a horrible choice for my own playing. I had to press some of the keys very hard to get a sound out and then it was very loud, so it was impossible to achieve the delicate balance necessary for some of the classical pieces I was trying to play. I don't know what "4-level touch sensitivity" means, but it doesn't even come close to a real piano. Finally, after owning the instrument only 3-4 years, some of the keys are permanently stuck in the depressed position, so now I cannot play it at all! I am so sorry I bought this instrument. What a complete and utter waste of money!

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